Burial rituals are sacred to everyone irrespective of religion. In India, this is related to atma-shanti, and the proper discharge of duties of children and kin toward their parents and elders. The Holy Bible in the 'TEN Commandments' of God clearly decrees- Honor thy mother and thy father. But this incident is one where I was ripped off that opportunity to honor my parent in her last moment of passing on from this world.
On 14th Sep 2020, I was already grieving my mother's sudden passing due to a cardiac arrest (non COVID19). The very next day, when I was getting ready with my sister and other kin to provide a proper burial to my mother, our hearts were shattered by a negligent act of the hospital. They swapped my mother's body with someone else's body (who passed away due to COVID19 infection), and refused to take ownership of the mistake. By the time we got to the bottom of the matter, several hours had passed, and we were left undone and absolutely marred in life cos she was cremated by someone else and there was nothing to see but ashes (the photo above). I was deprived and ten others (daughters, grandchildren, sisters, brother and others) of who traveled down for one last look, that one last touch or a hug and grieve her in flesh were all left in horrifying shock and untold grief.
In doing this, Manipal hospital not only dishonoured my mother but violated her identity, everything she had lived, strived and wished for, about those basic needs after she had passed-on. With their negligence and lack of very basic protocol, they desecrated her body which was the only remnant for me, my father, sister and our family. It's a violation of my mother as a person and all of our duties and basic rights. They have caused irreparable damage to our psyches and our living memories for generations. The gap of not seeing my mother for that one last time and not fulfilling her wishes in last rites as a son will always haunt me as long as I live. Nor will that gap be ever filled for my father, sister and tens of other dear ones who travelled to Delhi and joined locally for the planned funeral that day.
As a family, we just hope and pray this bizarre experience doesn't happen to any other person in this country. Till date, I do not have any formal apology from Manipal hospitals owning up, or even expressing a regret for what has happened on their watch. Upon reading further about other similar cases, I understand there are no mandated protocols to manage human mortal remains by hospitals in non-COVID19/ disaster kind of situations. Ownership of such mistakes cannot be evaded by any responsible hospital, another institution or any person in authority. COVID19 has revealed these glaring and offensive gaps in protocols of institutions serving basic human needs.
COVID19 has given us a dress rehearsal of what perhaps lies ahead. Today COVID19, God forbid, another year there could be some other pandemic shaking the world. We must take these learnings and as a nation utilize the opportunity for our institutions like hospitals and civic bodies to be prepared better. After much prayer, consideration and support from family, friends, fellow Christians, and my good lawyers, I have decided to take this matter public, and make this petition to the apex court to restore human dignity even in a person's death and institute the mortal remains management protocol across all hospitals and related civic bodies.

As the case is listed for Wednesday, 10th February 2021 to be heard by the Supreme Court of India, I appeal to the wisdom of the hearing bench and audience to take note of these events and direct all related institutions to uphold and restore human dignity - even in death. This can only be done if we have an explicit and clearly defined Mortal Remains Storage and Management Disposal Protocol.I strongly believe this will be a progressive step institutionally for the nation, and save many a people from a lifetime of psychological trauma and distress in future. As many believe, this will help bring atma-shanti; and I strongly hope and believe this will honor and renew my mother's memory from a bizarre event into one that brings glory to God and God's will for a greater good in this country.
My best wishes to advocates Shilpa Liza George and Manoj V George who will take up the matter in the courts. May God guide us on this matter.
Read more about this incident as it happened here, and about the appeal: