October 27, 2007

Hello, is this a bloody sport?

Team dynamics can make team work a bloody sport when individual successes become more important than team success.

Joining for dinner with her colleagues, Ashmita wasn’t at all excited for any chat. She’s been thinking all day that her colleagues were playing a spoil sport. She couldn’t understand why?

Soon, her team leader picked up the conversation to give and take feedback about team members. To her surprise, Ashmita realized that all the time she was upset about her colleagues, she was the one at fault. Though she immediately apologized and requested feedback, she couldn’t help recollecting all the things she did against the team because she thought the others were wrong.

It’s something that we would call a bloody sport. If you must’ve seen a bull-fighting game (pic attached), you know what a bloody sport is. Either the bull gores the matador, or the matador jabs the bull with his sword. There’s only one survivor in the game. Look at the contrasting picture of the Rugby game. It’s a team of people enabling a single person to make the goal.

Does that make you say, “That’s a team!” Yes, from the bottom of our heart, we all know that a team has to have a single objective, work as one body, and complement each others’ weaknesses. But, we fail miserably. Reasons, if we have to analyze are more personal than interpersonal.

This is no thesis about teamwork, but, here are some useful tips for each of us to remember.
  1. Team success means Individual success, not vice-versa
  2. The least of designated member is as fundamental as the most skilled member for the team’s success
  3. Before forming any opinion about another, talk it out with them.
  4. Uphold team spirit at all times, If you can contribute in any way, contribute positive energy only
  5. Working in a team is not a bloody sport, it’s a healing game.
  6. Don’t compete with each other, join hands to compete against another
  7. Say it often to each other, “You are a good thing,”
As much a rotten apple can spoil the whole basket, a medicine pill can heal a body too.

Choose your role!

With inputs from Deepak Mehra.

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