October 30, 2008

I feel global, thank you FeedJIT

I use Feedburner to keep a track of people visiting my blog, and to have a pulse of what's being read mostly. Though it's good, I've stumbled upon this even better gadget for blogs called FeedJIT. Since I'd put it up on my website, boy I'm glad to see I have visitors from various parts of the world, US, Australia, Dubai, Malaysia, Italy, Britain, Iran, Canada, and a few from India too ;-)

Boy, feels global isn't it...

Well, I would request visitors to please leave comments and also your suggestions as to if you've found what you're looking for, or you may request content.. I'd be glad to provide it out if I can. Maybe I should look for a gadget 'Request / Suggest Topic / Content'. Should do that certainly! Well, for now, this feels great! :)

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